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Introducing Micro Mobility

TL/DR I've published the first in a series of children's books. Jump to the announcement ⏬

As many of your reading this will know, I've been in the Enterprise Mobility Ecosystem for a very long time.

10 years, in fact, as of January just gone.

Although I started as a generalist, supporting Android, iOS, Windows Mobile (loved those CAB files), Blackberry.. it's quite clear at this point where I chose to hang my hat and invest my time & effort.

And it's paid off. Today I'm a well-known guy in the space, interacting with peers around the world on an almost daily basis to help with Android related issues. I've achieved great things with the Android Enterprise Help Community, various partner accolades, I contribute to successful mobility groups and organisations, and I've had the honour of working closely with Google on several initiatives in the last few years.

In my own career since, it feels like I've touched almost every aspect of the Android ecosystem; I've done support, consulting, product management, project management, programme management, (technical) marketing, advocacy, strategy, engineering, and I've done this broadly across most of the segments of the industry - carrier, MSP, OEM, EMM, private organisations, maybe more.. and that doesn't take into account those I've helped in my off-hours.

My humble website, here, is what I have to thank for where I am right now though. A right-time, right-place decision to start documenting my journey with Android for Work way back, when Google had little time and resource to do a considerable amount themselves, that gave me a real leg-up even on their own documentation and resources for organisations, and the rest, as they say, is history.

I've been thinking a lot about this recently, and it's become apparent very little I've achieved in my 10 years of Enterprise Mobility has given me the fulfilment and sense of pride I get from being able to help organisations - individuals, even - find their own path into the ecosystem with the docs and resources I've poured my evenings and weekends into for so long.

But still more can be done.

Folks coming into the ecosystem rarely do so intentionally; filling a generalist role between industries is the norm from which a passion for Enterprise Mobility starts to grow. I'm no different, I was doing compliance and system administration before I got the opportunity to bring my passion for Android to the workplace - again, right-place, right-time. I don't think I can say I know anyone who left education with the intention of a career in mobility.

I want to change that.

To address this, I am introducing Micro Mobility: Modern Mobile Management for the next generation of Mobility Experts.

With this new venture, I am taking my decade of Enterprise Mobility expertise, and creating a series of educational books for children that will expose them early on to the Enterprise Mobility ecosystem.

Daddy's Phone Can't Do That!


My first book in the series, illustrated by the extremely talented Laila Arêde, addresses the challenges organisations face with DLP and security management, and introduces the topic through a common situation between child and parent, asking to use their phone.

Daddy's Phone Can't Do That! takes the young mind through a journey of discovery of why a corporate phone can't do some of the things personal phones do by default, and explores the topic of Mobile Device Management through the responsibilities of Andy Admin, the IT wizard, and Big Boss Bill, the C-level who just wants to keep his corporate secrets safe.

book cover

Daddy's Phone Can't Do That! is available today through as an EPUB for £,$,€ 1.99. More distributors will come online over the coming weeks.


A PDF copy is available for download at no cost, but pay-what-you-want links are below to support the work (suggested: £1.99):

Download PDF

Pay £1.99 - PayPal | Monzo (UK only)
Pay what you want - PayPal | Monzo (UK only)

To come


This is just the first in this brand new venture, and I look forward to repurposing more of my content into high quality education over the coming years.

Are you interested in a printed paperback? With enough interest I'll find a publisher to make that happen. Let me know!

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